Moving your phone number from your current V1 SIM card to your new Ting SIM card has never been easier. Once you receive your replacement SIM card, you can head to your Ting dashboard to begin activating your phone number to your new SIM card for service.
If you're switching to Ting's new price plans, message us, and we'll swap your number for you. If you're already using a V1 or X3 SIM card and want to switch phones, you can move your existing SIM card to your new phone and be set to go!
Protect your data!
Before activating your SIM card, back up your voice messages outside of voicemail. Changing networks will clear any saved voicemail messages. We recommend regularly backing your phone up as a precaution or when activating a new device.
- Go to and select Sign up | Activate.
- Select if you're bringing your own phone to Ting or if you want to browse for a new phone and click Let's go.
- Enter the IMEI of your device and click Check.
Note: If available, you can choose a device you purchased from Ting or devices you have used previously from a list of devices and click Next step. If you want to activate a phone that isn't on the list, select Add a phone. - If your device is compatible with Ting, you can purchase a new SIM card by clicking Get a SIM or check the SIM card you may already have by clicking Check SIM.
- If you have a SIM card from Ting, enter the SIM card number (ICCID) and click Continue.
Be sure your device is unlocked before activating your new SIM. If you're not sure if your device is locked, insert the new SIM before starting. A message will come up stating your device is locked. If your device is locked, please reach out to our support team for assistance.
- Enter your service address to check your coverage and click Next.
- Select Move a number and choose the phone number you would like to use from the drop-down menu, then click Next.
- Review or Edit your billing information and select Continue.
- Check all your details one more time, read and agree to the Terms of Service and click Next.
- Swapping your number to your new phone will create a port request which can take up to 24 hours to complete. Once your transfer is complete, you'll get an email from us letting you know, along with your next steps.