If you have an outstanding balance on your account, we notify you in a few ways, including a red banner that displays at the top of your Account when you log in.
Update your payment method to resolve the outstanding balance and prevent unwanted service interruptions.
Paying an Outstanding Balance
- Log in to your account at Tingmobile.com.
- Click the here link in the red account banner to go directly to your account settings.
- Scroll down to Payment method and select Update payment method.
- Select Ting Mobile and click Next.
- Enter your payment method details.
- Enter your billing address and click Save changes.
- Your payment method is now updated.
Any amount currently due will be charged automatically when you update the billing info on your account.
This will be the payment method we use for billing moving forward. You can return to update it again at any time!
How do I Know if I Have an Outstanding Balance?
When there is an outstanding balance on your account:
- A red banner stating that we were unable to charge your credit card displays at the top of your account when signed in.
- A text message alert is sent to the primary phone number on your Ting Account (if you have SMS messages enabled).
- One or more email notifications send to the email address attached to your Ting Account.
If you need assistance, contact us.