If your Ting device qualifies for a return or replacement as per our warranty, FedEx offers different services that make returning your phone easier.
Drop-off at FedEx locations
To search for locations, go to FedEx.com and click Locations. Make sure to check Drop labeled package at staffed location and enter your address.
Once dropped off at these locations, FedEx will scan your package so we can track its journey back to us.
If a package is taken to a DropBox location, it will not be scanned upon arrival. This method does not provide accurate tracking results that could affect your return outcome. We would recommend taking the package to an actual staffed FedEx location.
Schedule a pickup
If you cannot get to a FedEx location, you can schedule a FedEx Ground Pickup using the tracking number from the return label we sent you. You can set a pickup online or over the phone:
Enter your tracking number into this FedEx Ground Pickup Information form. You can schedule a FedEx Ground return pickup Tuesday-Saturday for most residential locations and up to 14 days in advance.
Over the phone
- Call them at 1-800-463-3339 (1-800-GoFedEx)
- Say, “Schedule pickup using a label.”
- You will be prompted for your tracking number, which is located on the shipping label, as TRK# followed by the number.
Note: Pickup is not available in all locations.
Other helpful FedEx services
FedEx provides a complete list of services on its website. The list of options includes scheduling a delivery time that suits you. Some of the options require you to Create your Delivery Manager Account, which you can use for shipments from other companies.